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Welcome to the Parish  Family of

St. Margaret of Cortona

in Little Ferry

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Summer Mass Schedule

From Memorial Day: May 26, 2024

through Labor Day: September 1, 2024

Saturday 5:30 pm

Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:30 am

Jesus and the Eucharist 

In this video, we’ll explore the beautiful truth that God has a good plan for our lives, even when the brokenness of our circumstances (or ourselves) seems to indicate otherwise. By diving into Scripture, we’ll discover how God’s Word helps us make sense of—and find hope in—our stories today.

Click on this link to watch the video: Jesus and the Eucharist | Session 1 | What’s Our Story? - Jesus and the Eucharist: A Small Group Series for Eucharistic Revival - National Eucharistic Revival

Jubilee countdown: Preparations for 2025 Holy Year

Click on the link to learn more:

2024 Archdiocese of Newark Annual Appeal

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Click here to view the Appeal Case Statement


To make a pledge or gift:

Print this signup sheet, fill up and mail to:

Annual Appeal

Archdiocese of Newark

Gift Processing

PO Box 7146

Kensington CT 06037-7146


Or click this linkg to go online Giving - Archdiocese of Newark (

Jersey Catholic

Jersey Catholic is the news site of the Archdiocese of Newark and brings you top news from around the Archdiocese, our Catholic schools throughout the U.S., and the Vatican.


Visit for the latest local and global Church news. 

St. Margaret Of Cortona Religious Education 

Registration for the Religious Education school year 2024 - 2025 is now open. Forms are available at the Parish Office and are due on June 30.  For any questions please call 201-641-2988.

Saint of the Day Podcast ~ A brief story about a Saint each day.

Click here to view the podcast in Youtube


Thursdays from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm

All are welcome!

Call Eileen at 201-843-1097 or see her after mass.

Donate to St. Margaret's

Here are some ways that you can help our Parish during these trying times:

GoFundMe Click here to go the GofundMe website

ParishSoft Click here to go to the giving site. 


You can also give via text to (201) 689-5641, just enter the amount you want to donate in the message.  You will need to create an account if you haven't done so yet.    Click here if you need help creating an account.


Revival Starts in Your Heart

The Church cannot be renewed if we all move forward with business as usual.  The Revival God longs to ignite in this world isn't something that happens outside of us... it begins in our own heart.

The Revival Spark Series is a simple, powerful way to allow the Holy Spirit to fan your desire for renewal into flames of love for Jesus and your neighbor.

Join thousands of Catholics as we spend nine days reflecting on this divine invitation and recalling the goodness of our God. Sign up to receive a daily email that leads you into moments of prayer and reflection, instilling a vision for the healing grace God wants to unleash in our world.

You can start your nine-day journey at any time, and it's absolutely free! All it requires is an openness to letting God speak and move in new ways.

Click here to experience revival:

Step-By-Step Walk Through the Mass

Click on this link to go the website:


Regular Masses




8:00AM,  10:00AM,  12:00PM 

(From Memorial Day through Labor Day: Sat 5:30PM, Sunday 9:00AM & 11:30AM)



Monday through Friday:

12:00 PM

First Saturday Mass

12:05 PM in the Church

Holy Days  

(Except Christmas and Easter):       8:00 AM,  12:05 PM,  7:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturdays 1:00 - 2:00 PM


Experience God’s Mercy. Celebrate the Grace-Filled Sacrament of Reconciliation 

Click here to download a guide on "How to Go to Confession"

Contact  Us

Parish Center (Monday through Thursday 10 am till 4pm. Closed on Fridays)

Tel: 201-641-2988

Fax: 201-322-0172


Rectory (By appointment only):



Religious Education (Sunday to Thursday):


Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention
For July 2024

For the pastoral care of the sick

We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.

New in the Area?

If you are new in the area, why not join our ever-growing Parish family. Stop by the Parish Center any weekday and register. Click on this link to download the form or call us at 201-641-2988 

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July Month of Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus

From the time of the Passion, when Christ poured out His blood for our salvation, the faithful have practiced  devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In the month of July, the Church honors the Precious Blood and encourages us in this devotion. The traditional feast day devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is July 1st.


The devotion has its scriptural roots in numerous references from the New Testament. In Romans 5:9, we read of justification by His blood. In Hebrews 10:19, we read of our sanctification and consecration by the Precious Blood. In 1 John 1:7 we are told that it cleanses us from  all sin.


Romans 5:9: "Much more surely then, now that we have been justified by his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath of God."


Hebrews 10: 19-22: "Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."


John 1:6-7: "If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sins.


Many saints have spoken of devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus; notable among them is St. Catherine of Siena, who often wrote about the Precious Blood of Jesus in her Dialogue—a written account of her mystical visions. Below is the Constant Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena to the Precious Blood of Jesus.

































In more recent times, this devotion has more widely taken root in our Catholic tradition. Devotion to the Precious Blood spread greatly through the prayer, preaching, and work of Bl. Gaspar del Bufalo, a 19th century Roman priest, and founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. You can read about his life and work here.


Blessed Gaspar brought this beloved devotion out of the sanctuary and into the hearts of Catholics around the

world. It is through his life’s work that the devotion grew widespread in the Church.


The faithful are encouraged to honor the Precious Blood always and especially during the month of July. Consider making an act of love to the Precious Blood every day this month, such as an Act of Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus and the Litany of the Precious Blood as an act of love and reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


The Precious Blood courses through the Church, giving life to the Body of Christ. It was the cleansing agent that allowed the holy saints and martyrs to wash their robes clean. It is the price of our redemption, the object of our salvation, and the assurance of our eternal inheritance.


As we honor the Precious Blood of Jesus in union with the Church this month, may it awaken in our hearts a love and gratitude for Christ’s gift to us, for He has saved us by His blood.


(excerpted : The Catholic Company)

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Did any Catholics sign the Declaration of Independence?

During America’s founding, there was a lot of hostility towards Catholics. However, there was one openly practicing Catholic who played an essential role in the establishment of this nation.

We don’t hear much about Catholic participation in the American War of Independence.

The truth is, Catholicism had suffered through a rough history in the British colonies up to that point. Various anti-Catholic laws had shut Catholics out of public life in many of the colonies, and in some cases barred the presence of Catholics and/or their clergy altogether


Even the state of Maryland, named for Henrietta Maria, the Catholic Queen Consort of Charles I, was supposed to be a haven for Catholics—but anti-Catholic legislation found its way there, too. The New World wasn’t the promised land of religious freedom if you were a Catholic.

In fact, the Declaration of Independence was signed by non-Catholics—with one exception.

Meet Charles Carroll, the one and only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence and one of Maryland’s most famous sons. Wealthy and well-educated, he was technically not allowed to hold office in Maryland due to his religion.

Charles Carroll

In spite of that, he was appointed to many positions and duties within the colonial government of Maryland, became one of the colony’s foremost promoters of independence, and represented Maryland at the Continental Congress. He put his name to the Declaration and gave a significant amount of his own fortune to financing the Americans in their war against England.

Charles Carroll’s story shows the giant cracks that were appearing in the anti-Catholicism of the American colonies—and these cracks would continue to grow.

George Washington was in favor of liberty for Catholics, and anti-Catholic legislation would gradually fall away as the new country took shape. Catholics would continue to fight against prejudice for the following centuries, for Catholicism was here and it wasn’t going away.

Alexis de Tocqueville, in his 19th-century observation of the American way of life Democracy in America, discussed the natural compatibility of Catholicism with the American mindset:

“…they [Catholics] constitute the most republican and the most democratic class of citizens which exists in the United States.”

But we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, though he was the lone Catholic signatory of the Declaration, Mr. Carroll was hardly alone. Charles Carroll’s signature was simply a continuation of the amazing story of Catholicism in America.

Long before the Revolution, Catholic missionaries had dedicated their lives and shed their blood for the conversion of this land. These intrepid pioneers went willingly into the unknown, into suffering, deprivation,  torture, and death for the sake of the Faith. They often had entire populations and governments dead-set against them. The odds were nearly  impossible. In human terms, it should all have failed miserably. But it didn’t. It’s a story that’s American to its core.


As we celebrate our nation’s 248th birthday, remember to pray for the Church in America,too!

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Rafael M. Velez - Webmaster, Henry F. Ballone - Photography, Eileen M. Ballone - Senior Editor,

31 Chamberlain Avenue, Little Ferry, New Jersey 07643 • 201-641-2988

Copyright 2015 © St. Margaret of Cortona R.C. Church.   All Rights Reserved.    

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